Hematology and Hemostasis

Hematology and Hemostasis

Approximately 2200 samples are processed daily,distributed in lines by sample type, and with differentiation between routine analysis and special tests. Faced with the suspicion of oncohematologic pathology, we collaborate closely with Flow Cytometry for an early diagnosis. We also collaborate with Genetics in the study of chronic myeloproliferative syndromes and other hematologic pathologies.

Hematology (EDTA)

The automation and organization of the area allows for the optimization of the quantity of the sample, guaranteeing thetraceability to obtain multiple results from one whole blood tube with EDTA.
For the different techniques, the equipment available is:

  • Hemogram, Differential Block Count and Reticulocytes

    4 Sysmex XN 10 analyzers in chain,HST

    Sample Distributor

    1 Sysmex analyzer XN20

    Slide preparation system SP10

    3 optical microscopes

    Digital image analysis miscroscope system Cellavision DM96

  • Globular Sedimentation Velocity

    2 VESCUBE 200
Menarini analyzers

  • Immunohematology (Blood group, Direct and Indirect Coombs Test, Identification and Titration of Irregular Antibodies)

    1 Ortho Autovue analyzer, and the availability to realize manual techniques

  • Analysis of HbA1c (HPLC)

    2 D-100 BioRad

  • Study of Thalessemia (HbA2 y F) by HPLC

    1 D-10 BioRad

  • Electrophoresis of Hemoglobins

    1 Sebia hydrasys analyzer

    According to the results of the hemogram, the morphology , and the suspected diagnosis, a sequential study is done by HPLC and electrophoresis. We also collaborate with Genetics for molecular studies of Alphathalassemia in the diagnosis of Hemoglobinopathies


We have 2 ACLTOP 700 analyzers.

We realize on a daily basis routine techniques in fresh plasma. Less frequent special techniques include tests for the Study of Hypercoagulability or Thrombophilia, and on a scheduled basis studies of Coagulopathy.

Manual Techniques

  • Study of Eosinophils in nasal secretions in allergies
  • Kleihauer Test to discount fetal-maternal hemorrhage
  • Analysis of crystals in joint fluids.
  • Staining of Hemosiderine in urine