
Since its creation in 2008, Catlab has committed to the application of a Quality Management System in conformance with international reference standards. Since 2022, Catlab has been recognized with an Environmental Management System . To make this possible, Catlab has a Quality Committee and a Environtment Committee with a faculty member dedicated exclusively to Quality and Environmental related topics.

Currently Catlab has the following recognitions:

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Administrative Authorization: CATLAB is listed in the register of Healthcare Centers, Services, and Establishments of the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya with the code number E08800230. The Hospital Laboratories are located in the following authorized hospital centers: Hospital Universitari Mútua de Terrassa H08001276; Hospital de Terrassa H08002086; Fundació Hospital Sant Joan de Deu de Martorell H8001043

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Accreditation: CATLAB is accredited according to Standard UNE-EN ISO 15189 (Reference 989/LE1956) in Preanalytics and more than 1800 tests of diferent Central Laboratory areas and the three hospital Laboratories. More than 95% of the total activity of the laboratory is accredited..

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Environmental Management System: CATLAB has an Environmental Management system in accordance with the ISO 14001: 2015 Standard for all its activity in the Central Laboratory of Viladecavalls. CATLAB is committed to promoting good environmental practices, managing the consumption of resources and mitigating the environmental impact derived from its activity.

Certifications and Accreditations


CATLAB is periodically subject to audits to assure compliance with the Llei Orgànica de Protecció de Dades (LOPD) (Data Privacy Laws) and makes use of an external Commission and legal counsel that review all of its processes towards this end.

Annual Accounts

CATLAB´s annual accounts are subject to audit. The entity charged with this annual audit is Faura-Casas Auditors Consultors S.L.