

The Extra-Analytic area consists of Client Services, Administration, Receipt of samples, and Extra-Analytic Quality Control

The pre-analytic phase in Catlab has been accredited according to Standard UNE-EN ISO 15189 for the following processes: blood extraction, and the manipulation and management of blood and urine samples.

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Client Service and Administration
Area which directs queries from clients to the different sections within Catlab. It also manages the requests received via the different informatic systems. More than 95% of requests arrive in an electronic format.

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Sample reception
Catlab provides service to 96 extraction centers. All samples arrive in coolers that comply with Standard UN 3373. All messenger routes monitor the temperature and transport times using an automated temperature control system. The automation of the sample reception area employs a P512 and a P612 that receive, distribute and prioritize.

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Guarantee of Extraanalytic Quality
Catlab employs an incident management program (PIC- Programa Incidències Catlab) which emails on a daily basis a report of all preanalytic incidents to each of the centers, and on a monthly basis a summary of incidents by sample type. The procedures for the extraction and the collection of samples are updated in the appropriate section of the catalogue.